On Friday 13th July (an unlucky day for some) the Olympic torch arrived on Portland, rather early in the morning. It set off from Portland Bill at 7.05 am. I was very lucky, as it passed the very bottom of my road at 7.45am. A friend of mine that I used to go to kickboxing with was carrying the torch. She is only 18 and really did the people of Portland proud. Unfortunately I decided to stand in the wrong place, and totally missed her carrying the torch. Luckily my niece managed to get some good photos of her.
Here she is (on the left) lighting the next bearers torch. I think we had approximately 15 torch bearers carrying the torches from the starting point at Portland Bill, across the island, to the very end, just by the Beach Road which leads over to Weymouth. I took my 2 little men to see it, and we ran along side 2 of the torch bearers. We couldn't keep up with my littlest man, running along weaving in and out the crowd!! He was enjoying himself so much chasing after them! My parents were watching this event via the live cameras on TV. So we made sure that we gave them a huge "Hi Mum" wave. Which worked wonders as they saw us a couple of times!! My Dad has put the whole event on DVD for us, so it will be rather amusing watching ourselves jogging along and waving!
We now have the last few days wait before the Olympic sailing events start in and around Portland & Weymouth. We have had an Olympic village built here, and they have put up a huge security fence around the entire village. The other day we saw armed police an security guards wandering the perimeter. Its all rather exciting!
We are still having far too much rain for my liking! But yesterday the littlest man and I wandered down the beach to grab some fresh air whilst the weather was quite nice. He found a little colony of ladybirds and decided to pick one up and investigate her (it had to be a "her" as he named it Skye, after his girlfriend from school!)
We were the only people on the small beach and it was lovely just sitting there absorbing the smells of the sea and breathing in the fresh salty air, whilst listening to the tide lap up on the shore.
Just in the distance you can see Weymouth bay where the Olympic sailing events will be taking place.
You could see all the yachts in the distance. Tiny specks of bright colour bobbing up and down. Little man had great fun running around and exploring. Lets hope that we have some lovely weather in the summer holidays so we can spend more time together (with the bigger man and hubbie too) enjoying the sights and smells of the sea.
When we returned home we found all these fish in our kitchen sink, plaice and mackerel. My step son had been out deep sea fishing all day and had returned with enough fish to feed an army! Unfortunately he didn't actually catch anything as he had spent the entire fishing trip laying down on deck due to sea sickness!!
Look at all these huge plaice we have to eat. We are having it for tea tonight (Sunday) cooked by my hubbie. He is going to google "the best way to cook plaice" to find a recipe for it. Looking forward to it!
I LOVE mackerel, cooked on a BBQ, wrapped in foil with a bit of salt and pepper mmmmmmmmmm!
They make quite a nice picture, don't you think? All the colourful scales on the mackerel, shining and glistening.
Yesterday evening I decided to get my crochet book "200 crochet blocks" off the book shelf, delve into it and make a few different granny squares. I have only ever made the traditional crochet granny square before and thought it was high time to try something a little different.
This next granny square took me the whole evening to master but I think it was totally worth it. What do you think?
I was rather limited with my colour choice, as my wool stash does not have a lot of different colours left, having used it all up on various other projects. (Good excuse to pop to my local wool shop and go and choose some lovely bright new colours - will definately have to fit this trip in next week!) But I think these actual colours worked really well together. I did attempt a lacy looking square in the same green colour, but half way through I had to un-pick it all as somewhere along the line I had gone completely wrong! I am going to attempt a couple more this afternoon, so I will post them in my next blog.
I am also working on (and have been for quite a few months now) two blankets for my little men's beds. The above one (for my very littlest man) is coming along quite well, as the granny stripe part of the blanket was originally meant for my camper van Dora. I was making it to go on one of the seats, but I mis calculated the amount of stitches I needed so it worked out far to long! I couldn't not use it and just put it away in a drawer after all the hard work I put in, so I decided to add it to the granny squares I had already made. The idea is to have the granny stripe down both long sides of the blanket and 4 rows of squares down the centre. I am getting a bit bored of using the same three colours and I'm itching to get back into making something really bright like my other little man's blanket.........
It is the last week of the school term so I have been making thank you cards for the teachers. It will be my littlest man's last week in year one and my biggest little man's last year at primary school (I feel rather emotional about this part! - where have those last 11 years gone???) We won't be walking to school together anymore in the mornings and when I pass the school both my little men won't be in the same place anymore. Still, they all have to grow up and move on................

Right, I shall sign off for now. I hope you all enjoy the rest of your weekend. I am off to enjoy the tiny bit of sunshine I see in the garden with a nice cool glass of apple schnapps and lemonade - yum! xxx
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